Losing fat on the belly is the hardest, author says.To strengthen your core and lose the flab, majority people opt for sit-ups or sprinting or crunches. If you think traditional exercises like sit ups can only give you washboard abs, think again.
Researchers says exercise involving movement of whole body can actually work out the core muscles better than exercises designated for abs. While, cyberspace is brimming with various articles, videos, diet plans to get in shape. So, here are some excercise that are even better.

These five exercises are a different take on a familiar ones. Each of them stimulates and tightens the core muscles while burning calories.(FOLLOW STEPS AS ILLUSTRATED)

Lets start with most quick and easiest one. Author finds it most easier to perform.Take a chair and sit on it while keeping your spine straight. Hold the edge of the seat. Now engage your core and use the stomach muscles to bring your toes(pointing to the floor) two to three inches off the floor. Hold for at least 4-5 seconds. Repeat for few minutes.(Refer picture)

Take an exercise mat and sit on it. Now stretch your feet out in front of you. Keep them around three feet apart. Take a pair of dumb-bells in your hands and hold them near your shoulders. Keep your back straight. Contract your stomach muscles and push your arms straight up. Return to starting position and repeat to 10-15 times.(Refer picture).When i did for first time, i couldn't able to go for another round. But my trainer kept my motivation high and after two months of hard work i attained desired physique.

Till the stage, you must be sweating hard. If yes, then soon gonna your body gets positive transformation.

Stand on left leg and left arm extended out to side at shoulder height, while right foot lifted a few inches off floor to the side. Now
Place right hand behind head, elbow bent out to side at shoulder level, then lift right knee toward right elbow. This routine targets your legs and belly, regulates the muscles. Repeat for 15 times; switch sides and repeat again.

4.Lying Draw-In with Hip Flexion
Teaches your deep abs to stabilize the pelvis during alternating leg movements

Lie face up with your head supported by a large pillow or foam roller. Begin with your legs bent 90 degrees and your thighs perpendicular to the floor, feet together. Engage your deep abs by drawing your navel toward your spine. While holding this contraction, slowly lower your right foot to the floor, return immediately to the start position, and then lower the left foot. If you find this easy, you're failing to hold the contraction of your deep abs. Lower each foot to the floor eight to 10 times. Progress by adding repetitions.

5.Paripurna Navasana(Full Boat Pose)

Yoga exercises can help greatly in the reduction of belly fat and fat deposits in the body.This poses teaches you how to find the fulcrum of the lever that is your body.

 Sit on the floor, extending your legs straight out in front of you. Press your hands on the floor behind your hips, fingers pointing toward the feet. Lift through the top of your sternum as you lean back slightly with a straight back. Try not to round the back. Lengthen between the sternum and pubis until you feel you’re positioned on the sitz bones like a tripod. Exhale and bend your knees. Lift your feet off the floor so that the thighs are at about a 45-50 degree angle to the floor. Slowly straighten your knees to raise legs to eye level. Extend arms out in front of you, parallel to each other and to the floor. Modify by placing hands under thighs and keeping the knees bent as you lift your feet off the floor. Concentrate on full inhales and full exhales. 

Hope, this article created a visual impact and connect with its readers and motivated you, to keep working out daily.
So, now no need to roll off your eyes after looking on someone else pictures of their worked-out abs or chiseled muscles. Its your time to grab the camera and flaunt your physique.

Don't take supplements and steroids ."TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY.IT'S THE ONLY PLACE YOU HAVE TO LIVE IN".

Since everyone's body type and lifestyle is different, aping another person's fitness routine can cause you major problem.So, choose your exercise wisely, out of above six, one will definitely suits you.


  1. it will be hard but running and jogging are the best exercise to reduce belly fat

    1. yea..but these are traditional one..i want my readers to know more easier and accessible workouts!

  2. Nice tips will definitely try these, Good Work :)


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