Desperately you wait for sale when you can save money while looking like a million bucks!
But do you really think that you have optimized the opportunity right way? or get carried away?

For a sale ,it doesn't a take lot to keep with trend and wrestling with your budget only when you do smartly!

So, here are few tips to make your sale shopping much easier:

1. Never shop hungry!
I used to hit the store with an empty stomach, then i tend to get tired soon and end up in buying some useless stuff or fighting with the companion to quickly picking up the stuff.

2. Shop alone
Its wise to go sale shopping on your own, without your friend or companion(or i should say person of same sex). Because you tend to broadcast the people about your steal deal and somewhat wasting time by you and your friend looking at same thing and who will snatch first. Since, i had very painful experience of shopping with my newly wed sister-in-law(watching her wearing the jeans which i supposed to be), we both fell for same pair of jeans, just to show my humbleness i sacrificed it and regret till the date.

3. Know when to say NO!
I hope you will be unlike me, who used to waste lots off time and money over buying (how much hyper i went to just to buy a neon print top),and mom cursing me "why you buy such things when you never intend to use them again?".So, Planning in advance will help you sure. Avoid prints and specific stuff that is meant for one particular season. Go for funky, cool, elegant pieces and accessories like bags, belts which can modify your look.

4. Never say never to cosmetics!
Cosmetics might turn out to be burning hole in your pocket in terms of expiry date, manufacturing. Stores are usually crowded during the sale, and don't follow exchange policy. At the same time, cosmetics aren't necessities can be managed without them.

5. Brand value counts
Never fall for ill fitted and unfinished products even though they are very cheap.I know its difficult sometimes, specially being a student .Hold up your temptation and restrict to chosen retailers.

6. Best time to shop
Avoid weekend madness. Hit stores at early hours in the weekdays. I still remember, i used to ditch my classes for having merry-frolic shopping and used to give some stupid excuse for my absence in class. Visit early days of sale as shelves are stocked with all the collection and trial rooms empty. So, attack!

7. Stick to classics
Trick of the sale shopping is not how much one shops but how smartly one invests in pieces that can be worn next season as well. So, play safe opt for neutral colors.


  1. you are true blogger..keep it up

  2. Dear Blogger... u do need companion whether u got d right 1 is whole different story....ur blog is gud...but nowadays gud is everywhere...Make it more personal,emotional, interesting n hence riveting.
    ur secret wellwisher

    1. thank you Mr. Wellwisher for your critics..and acknowledging my article!


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