The 5 minutes makeup

For the busy working women, this article is a must read. Your morning makeup shouldn't take much of the time. Here are some smart tips to get flawless gorgeous face within 5 minutes

1. Begin with concealer, apply under eyes and on blemishes. Remember you have to give a pat, not to rub! So, either use a brush or a sponge.

2. Use skin correcting cream. Applying foundation is no more of  trend. Skin correcting cream illuminate your skin and minimizes the spots, wrinkles and balances the texture.

3. Opt for an eyeliner. Don't add much drama by adding shadow. Then, one simple coat of mascara.

4. Now, to make your complexion more radiant ,choose between bronzer or brush. Apply with light hand and try to keep as subtle as you can.

5. Final stroke is of lip gloss. Apply. a pale or nude lip gloss.

Here, you are ready!


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